Wednesday, August 3, 2016

In Connecticut We Say…….

I am back, after a short little hiatus, and I have tons of things to blog about. We have been on so many trips and I have a couple of things I can't wait to share with you guys. This blog post though is going to be a quick little update about the family and all things Connecticut.

I decided to update you guys by reintroducing you to the kiddos, since lets face it the Mr. and I aren't changing on a daily basis. 

The Logan Line Up

The Dictator
Meet the little girl who runs our family, at least for now. This girl currently is attending summer camp two days a week at a fun little kids gym in the town over from us. She is obsessed with all things princesses, sticker books, drawing, and having the Mr. chase her around our island a million times every night. She can be a diva, jokester, drama queen, sweetheart, all rolled into one. 

No she doesn't wear glasses, she is just a diva who loves to dress up!

Baymax aka BayBay
Meet Baymax also know as BayBay. This little guy may only be 7 months old (almost 8) but he is equivalent to a one year old in both height and weight. While we don't currently have a crawler it is going to happen at any moment. He is obsessed with his sister, and basically anything his sister will let him get his hands on (we aren't the best at sharing). I don't know if it is a boy thing but BayBay is always busy and if he not busy he is eating. He is a super momma's boy and loves to cuddle.

Just look at those rolls, according to his cousins he reminds them of this guy

We have been in Connecticut now for 6 months. It has, to say the least, been an adjustment for everyone but I feel like we are settling into our new normal. New normal being life with two kids, life in Connecticut, life away from everything we've ever known, whatever you want to call life now that we have made several big life changes and taken a (huge) leap of faith (still not sure what the Big Man has planned for us but learning everyday to rely on him for essentially everything). 

While we haven't fallen in love with Connecticut we are learning the ropes. We have had to learn several things since moving here. Examples being: learning how to drive Connecticut style (people have no idea how to merge, use the slow lane, or fast lane at that, their brakes, in a nut shell CT drivers maybe the worst drivers in the country, sorry but it is true), we are learning how to navigate (only 2 more states to go in New England), and we have also had to learn the lingo. Yep, just because we are only 17 hours away from Kentucky doesn't mean we speak the same language, surprising I know. Here is some lingo that we have learned:

Other  game changers since moving here. The grocery store, I have still yet to find a grocery store here that is my one stop shop. All you people reading this who have Kroger near by be sure to stop and thank God next time you walk in your nearest friendliest Kroger. Our Wal-Mart isn't even a one stop shop, they don't carry meat or produce (shocking I know).  I currently have to go to two or three grocery stores just to get everything I need, but I am still searching, and in the mean time missing Kroger. I should also mention that Trader Joe's doesn't carry wine (go ahead and shed a tear for me here people).

Coffee, yep, that is my next topic. In the KY there is a Starbucks on every corner. I loved Starbucks, went there whenever possible, bought the coffee at the grocery store, thought that there was no way I would ever convert over to the dark side (Dunkin Donuts). Oh how things have changed. We live in a really small town and we have 4 Dunkin Donuts, they are everywhere! I have converted over, I learned to order properly and I switched over so fast and am not even looking back. I love their hot coffee and ice coffee, I love buying their coffee and brewing it home. If you aren't a Dunkin fan and still hanging with Starbucks I encourage you to step out, find a Dunkin and order my favorite go to French Vanilla coffee with cream and sugar. 

My final rant is mainly just another thing I miss about the south. In Connecticut they love their Diners, and well I miss brunch. Diners are just not cutting it for me. Where is Wild Eggs? First Watch? Cracker Barrel for that matter? I miss brunch! I miss the quirky little places in Louisville where you could get endless coffee and a meal that please me (the breakfast lover) and the Mr. (loves everything but breakfast). A diner just doesn't scream brunch to me, it screams truck drivers and late night food! 

While I would still say we are settling in, we are making Connecticut our home away from home. Stay tuned bloggers I have lots of fun blogs coming soon!

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