Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Honored To Be Apart of an Amazing Journey

I have to say that when we were living in Louisville I had a pretty amazing support system.The Mr. and I didn't grow up in Louisville so we were essentially at square one in the making friends department when we got married (and who am I kidding we are there now too). We joined Northeast Christian Church pretty soon after we got married. If you are currently looking for a church home in the Louisville area NECC is definitely a place worth looking at. We joined a couples small group in hopes to meet people that we could call friends and essentially go through life with. While we loved our couples group it just didn't work and we decided to break off into a men's group and women's group. Our ladies group grew beyond the initial couples small group ladies and is still holding strong. That group of girls were truly people who I was, and still am able to call on for anything. As a group we experienced child birth, new jobs, relationships, friendships, death, forgiveness, love, support and the list goes on and on. I can honestly say that the one thing I miss the most about living in Louisville is that small group of ladies and the church that we called home. 

When one of my small group members initially approached me about helping her in a significant journey in her life I was a little hesitant. Her sweet family is looking to expand and is currently in the domestic adoption process. First just let me start off by telling you how amazing this girl is, Alison and her family are awesome. They love Jesus, are raising their little girl with strong Christian values and morals, work hard in both their careers, relationships, and communities, and from my experience with Alison she is beautiful, smart, graceful, and genuinely cares for those who cross her path. I can't say enough about her. 

Alison is one of my blog followers as well and knows how much I loved doing digital designs. A part of the adoption process includes putting together an Adoption Profile Book for birth mothers to look at to help them determine a family for their little ones. It maybe one of the most important parts of the process. The Adoption Profile Book is your first impression, and with some agencies only impression that you will have to give expecting parents. It is essentially a small glance into the lives of the adoptive parents, and most of the time the birth mother will select a family for her baby based solely off the Adoption Profile books. Alison has entrusted me with this most critical part of their adoption process, no pressure at all! 

Front Cover 

Seriously, though she did the hard work. There are so many details that need to be included so that a birth mother gets a proper impression. Alison wrote all the information that is included in the book and found all the right pictures that she wanted to be included. My part was really easy. I just had to take all her hard work and make it into something that represented who the Seward Family is and hopefully help a birth mother connect with their family, and ultimately choose them to adopt their baby. 

I just did all of the digital work. Once I completed the design and layout I uploaded it onto my favorite site for printing books, Blurb. Now the waiting game occurs. Alison order the books and they will begin anxiously awaiting a birth mother to select them. The timeline varies from person to person as to how long this wait time maybe. 

I wanted to take the time to blog about this incredible honor that I received. I was very nervous because it is such a huge part of the adoption process. I loved every minute of completing this task, and learned so much about the process along the way. I fully believe that God sometimes places children on this Earth for people and sometimes he requires you to go and find them. My final thought for this post is that you would join me in praying for Alison, her family, and the birth mother out there that may select her family. Pray for the child that will come into their family. Alison, thank you so much for letting me be a part of this journey and I can't wait to see the end result! 

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