When you think of a flea market your mind instantly races to a few antiques, good deals, farm animals, knock off purses, and well essentially junk because that is what most of them have become these days. My mind races to a place full of hidden treasures that you can turn into works of art, now that kind of flea market is a hidden treasure in itself. I love a good flea market. Partly because I love crafting and making old new again and partly because I love people watching. I am a sucker for places that scream people watching, and we all know that is exactly what you will find at your typical flea market. Now I maybe crazy and you may disagree but in the KY I feel like the flea markets have made a turn for the worse. Back in the day they were filled with those rare finds, but now it seems like the are literally full of just junk (air brush t-shirts, toys you buy at the fair, and the list goes on and on). Maybe there are still some legit flea markets out there but I just haven't been to a good one in some time.
Now in Connecticut we have found the greatest flea market I believe I have ever been to. Seriously people it is worth the trip up here just for the flea market finds and food trucks, oh the food trucks (my mouth is currently watering). If you have ever watched the show Flea Market Flip on HGTV than you probably have seen the very flea market that I so lovingly dragged the Mr. and kids to (they will no longer go kicking and screaming, the Mr. is practically begging to go back so he can be put into a food truck coma again).

The Elephant Trunk is located in New Milford, CT. This is about 45 minutes from where the Mr. and I live. It is only open on Sundays during the months of April through December. You can participate as a vendor or a buyer. The flea market opens bright an early, and if you are an early bird (5:45 a.m.) be prepared to pay $20 for admission, regular buyers (7:00 a.m. and beyond)pay $2.00 for admission. The market has a variety of vendors and honestly they say no two weekends are the same at the market. Vendors travel from all across the country to participate in this flea market. Its really pretty incredible. To top it all off there are some great food trucks set up.

The weekend that the Mr. and I went (and I think they are there every weekend during market season) the Crafty Cue food truck was there. Now the Mr. and I love BBQ (you could always find us at Marks on Monday night when we lived in Louisville, we were Monday regulars). Seeing that we were there around brunch a lot of the food trucks were serving breakfast type items, but there were so many and it was a little chilly (cold enough for the kids to take a really good nap all snuggled up in the stroller) that we didn't have time to check them all out. Back to the Crafty Cue, we decided to eat brunch at this cute little food truck and both order the "Dirty Pig," which consisted of BBQ, an egg, two slices of bacon on top of some delicious type of bun. Some of you maybe reading this thinking that sounds disgusting, others maybe curious about this concoction, while others maybe watering at the mouth (that would be me as I type this post). Let me just tell you the Mr. believes it is the best BBQ sandwich he has ever eaten (we've been to Austin folks, grew up with Moonlight BBQ, we know our BBQ). I kid you not he has talked about it since we left, wishes he would have bought two sandwiches. He is currently reading this post planning our next trip to the Elephant Trunk. It was pretty delectable, and I honestly think anything on their menu would have been scrumptious. Also a major plus to Crafty Cue, they served sweet tea and it was good. I love a good food truck, they never let me down.

To sweet not to share
They both took a great nap, missed brunch entirely
While we didn't find any treasures we couldn't live without (we really don't have room anyways) it was nice to look around. We were there for 2 hours before it got cold and rainy and only made it down two rows, and of course ate. Its a huge flea market, so if you are coming bring your wagon (to put your goodies in), wear your walking shoes, and come hungry. I promise the Elephant Trunk won't disappoint.
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