I had all intentions of making Monday a review day. Review as in reviewing baby products that I love and hate, reviewing places or events that we have attended, etc. etc. Well yesterday was a whirl wind of a day so we are just going to have review Monday a day late.

When we woke up yesterday morning we planned to spend the day at home playing Little People, cleaning, doing laundry, you know just an ordinary day. Elin loves to watch Daniel Tiger and for whatever reason I remembered that Raising Cane's in Louisville had an event where you could meet Daniel Tiger. I decided to Google to see if this event occurred here in Connecticut. One click in the Google search engine and not only did I find Daniel Tiger in Connecticut but Daniel Tiger was Live at the Jorgensen Center at the Upon for one day only. That day just happened to be Monday, February 15th at 2:00. After going back and forth with the Mr. we decided that if I could handle a solo trip with just me and the two kids (CRAZY) than we should go. I decided it was time to put on my big girl mama pants on and go solo to Daniel Tiger Live.

After a 45 minute drive to the University of Connecticut (which by the way is out in the middle of no where land). We arrived to watch the one and only Daniel Tiger. The look on Elin's face when trolley zoomed across the auditorium ceiling was priceless. "Hi Trolley, go get Daniel." It was well worth the $62 dollars to see that face light up the way it did.
This was a first experience in a theater and I was rather nervous that she wouldn't sit and watch the show. However, as usual she surprised me and did superb. Little man decided that Daniel Tiger was a great time to take a nap and much to my surprise he did superb as well. All in all it was a perfect first solo outing.
To all my blog readers Daniel Tiger Live travels the country, just like a Broadway plays. I would definitely recommend looking up the tour schedule to see if he is coming near you. Kentucky friends I can tell you will be in town a town near you in April if you are looking for a fun outing with the kids (if they like Daniel that is).
Pros of Daniel Tiger Live
- The show featured all of the cast and the costumes were recognizable as the characters.
- The show had a lesson to be learned just like all the Daniel Tiger always seems to have (in fact there were a couple of lessons to learn).
- There was an intermission (much needed).
- Tickets were reasonable priced (at least in my area) $22.00 for an adult and $20.00 for a child under.
- Toddlers will definitely enjoy the show.
- You can dance and sing right along with them because you will know most of the songs.
- They have a trolley backdrop with Daniel to take pictures with, be prepared to wait in line though.
- Your child is exhausted afterwards so they sleep well that night or take a nap on the ride home.
Cons of Daniel Tiger Live
- The show didn't start on time (hopefully this was just at the theater we went too and not a production thing), so if you got there early like myself a toddler gets pretty impatient.
- Thank heavens for the intermission the show was a little long and right before intermission Elin seemed to be done but regained her composure for the 2nd half which was shorter.
- I have to complain a little about the Jorgensen just incase I have CT people out there reading. They charged me for Baylor (a 2 month old, come on people).
- Little people won't be able to sit to see over big people's heads so they do get tired of standing and may end up in your lap (I can bet its like that everywhere, maybe not though).

Make sure you plan to take some extra money. They do sell souvenirs. They were selling t-shirts ($25, yes we own one), sweatshirts ($40), backpacks and posters ($10), and then almost anyone 3 and above had this little light saver thing ($10). Also, not sure if it is like this everywhere but there was meet and greet with the cast after the show, an additional $50 dollars (I wouldn't recommend this if your child is scared of people in costumes).
Daniel Tiger Live is a must if you have a little tiger who loves Daniel as much as my little tiger.